Sung-Jung Cho, Roderick Murray-Smith, Changkyu Choi, Younghoon Sung, Kwanghyeon Lee, and Yeun-Bae Kim, "Dynamics of Tilt-based Browsing on Mobile Devices," in proceedings of ACM SIG CHI Conference, April 28-May 3, 2007, San Jose, USA.
2008년 9월 4일 목요일
[IROS05] Real-Time Audio-Visual Localization of User Using Microphone Array and Vision Camera
Changkyu Choi, Donggeon Kong, Sujin Lee, Kiyoung Park, Sun-Gi Hong, Hyoung-Ki Lee, Seokwon Bang, Yongbeom Lee, and Sangryong Kim, "Real-Time Audio-Visual Localization of User Using Microphone Array and Vision Camera," in proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), August 2-6, 2005, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
[A prototype of Samsung Home Robot(SHR-100) developed by Advanced Systems Research Lab. of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology(SAIT) and Mechatronics Center of Samsung Electronics.]

["Call-and-Come" demonstration in nonstationary noise environment.]
[Visualizing the internal processing of the robot during the demonstration.]
[ICSLP04] Separation of Multiple Concurrent Speeches Using Audio-Visual Speaker Localization and Minimum Variance Beam-forming
Changkyu Choi, Donggeon Kong, Sang Min Yoon, Hyoung-Ki Lee, "Separation of Multiple Concurrent Speeches Using Audio-Visual Speaker Localization and Minimum Variance Beam-forming," in proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, October 4-8, 2004, Jeju, KOREA.
[Eight-channel simultaneous recordings of the mixed source signals and music.]
[Three separated speeches by the proposed method.]
[Three separated speeches are further enhanced by the adaptive cross-channel interference canceler (ACCIC).]

[ICA04] Adaptive Cross-Channel Interference Cancellation on Blind Source Separation Outputs
[ICSLP04] Voice activity detection using global soft decision with mixture of Gaussian model
Kiyoung park, Changkyu Choi, Jeongsu Kim, "Voice activity detection using global soft decision with mixture of Gaussian model," in proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), October 4-8, 2004, Jeju, KOREA.
[IROS03] Speech Enhancement and Recognition Using Circular Microphone Array For Service Robots
Changkyu Choi, Donggeon Kong, Jaywoo Kim, and Seokwon Bang, "Speech Enhancement and Recognition Using Circular Microphone Array For Service Robots," in proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October 27-31, 2003, Las Vegas, USA.
[Experimental Environment Consisting of a Service Robot, a Target Talker, and TwoInterfering Loud Speakers]

[ICA03] Real-Time Binaural Blind Source Separation
Changkyu Choi, "Real-Time Binaural Blind Source Separation," in proceedings of International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, April 1-4, 2003, Nara, JAPAN.
Errata: The M must be changed to L/2 in equations (5), (9), and (10).
Errata: The M must be changed to L/2 in equations (5), (9), and (10).
[ICA01] Speech Enhancement Using Sparse Code Shrinkage and Global Soft Decision
Changkyu Choi, Seungho Choi, and Sang-Ryong Kim, "Speech Enhancement Using Sparse Code Shrinkage and Global Soft Decision," in proceedings of International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, December 9-12, 2001, San Diego, California, USA.

[An Example of Speech Enhancement: A white Gaussian noise (10dB) was used.]
(Clean, Noisy, and Enhanced Speeches are available upon request.)
[ISCOM01] Face Detection Using Consecutive Bootstrapping ICA
Taekyun Kim, Changkyu Choi, and Sang-Ryong Kim, "Face Detection Using Consecutive Bootstrapping ICA," in proceedings of the 6th Biennial International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM) , November 13-16, 2001, Tainan, Taiwan.
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